Thankfulness day 10 - Sorry this is so long. I know I have used prayer already but I feel it is so important today to use it again. I had an MRI today of my hips to check and see if there might be something going on in my hips before my doctor sends me to see a spinal surgeon. I have had several MRI's over the years for my back with no issues. Today was so rough on my back because of the position they had me in for 35 minutes to get the images of my hips. The tech said beforehand because of my back issues it would be hard on me. I could not sit up or even walk by myself for a good bit after it was done. five minutes into the MRI I did not think I would get through it, but I decided to use the other 30 minutes to pray and focus on those who were on my daily prayer list. I am so thankful for being able to pray for others and it got me through a rough MRI.