I just have to say - I love it when someone defends me....I have no clue who this guy is but this was too funny not to share somewhere! It was on a news station page where they were talking about the new virus coming out...
DanJody John
So only 13,000 some really died FROM covid the others WITH covid - big difference! Also, NO ONE KNOWS the long term issues with this vaccine! Is this the one that changes your RNA? Not going to take it!

David M Denn Jr.
DanJody John you are dense if you think only 13000 people have died because of the virus.
DanJody John
David M Denn Jr. Died FROM the virus - and dying WITH the virus are different things....that was the number ON THE CDC WEBSITE earlier in October. I am sure it has gone up a little bit but not much....

David M Denn Jr.
DanJody John can you explain the difference?
Bryan Howard
David M Denn Jr. dying from the virus means the virus killed them dying with virus means they had it when they died. I cannot believe this had to be explained to you. To put it simple because it sounds like you will need that. If I died from a car crash while having covid then it wasn’t the covid that killed me it was the car crash.