Almighty God, our Father in Heaven, the God of our forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of the prophets of old and the Apostles of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, we beseech you for mercy and deliverance for the people of the United States of America in this hour of great danger and looming calamity. The enemies of Truth, justice and righteousness, the minions of Satan, encircle the camp of your people, those who call upon your name and trust you. They have laid great snares and traps for their rightful and righteous leader, President Donald Trump, and for believers across the land. As Korah of old rebelled against Moses, they have mounted a great conspiracy and coup against true authority which you have established for the people of America. They have commenced an evil Revolution that seeks to dethrone you from the public conscience of this land. They burn your Holy Word in the streets, run rampant, burn, destroy, murder, and do so with impunity, and they are preparing to take control of the Government through unjust overthrow. They mock your ordained and anointed servant, Donald Trump, and rail incessantly against him crying “ Aha, Aha” and boasting like Goliath of invincibility.
Almighty God, our Creator and Redeemer, how long will you permit them to do these great evils and to slander your name and mock your appointed servants who desire nothing but good for the people? They are on course for great bloodshed and plan the destruction of the entire Nation through Revolution… They challenge all true authority and even dare to slander and challenge you. They dance in the streets and celebrate a lie and an unjust, fake victory over the good and the just ,and the weak kneed world believes their lies and shameless boasting through an evil Media propaganda machine the likes of which it has never seen before.
We know from history what these traitors and subverts are capable of.. Haman, Korah, Jezebel, Nimrod the great rebel, to name a few. And then more recently Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, the evil legions of Locusts, the Muslim Hordes, to name even more. The Roman Tyrants, the Mongol Hordes, the Goths and Vandals, the Huns, have all scourged the Old World in open warfare, but this enemy is different… Like cockroaches they have planned and lurked in darkness… Darkness and smoke is their cover and screen. For decades and centuries they have planned this day, and have allotted destruction and death for the righteous. We beseech you dear God, deliver your people from their clutches and thwart their every evil endeavour.
You have decreed in days past that when the unrighteous lay snares and traps for the righteous, they will fall into them themselves and be destroyed. The enemy mocks you and your servants and will not repent or amend. Destroy their cause dear God and deliver the Nation from destruction. Bring fire upon the Traitors, gainsayers, Revolutionaries, as you did with Korah and the 249 with him who attempted the Coup against Moses. Bring down the Nephilim, Goliath and his brother Giants who taunt, boast, challenge your authority and your people. Cast down those evil Jezebels in power who plan the death of the Faithful.. Right now the Nation has been encircled in a great valley, the valley of the shadow of death. Pharaoh with his armies is in pursuit and will not rest until he has tasted blood. The hearts of these revolutionaries and traitors have been hardened like stone. They refuse to repent and grow daily in confidence. Deliver the American Nation, dear Almighty God, before it is too late… We beseech you Heavenly Father to come to the aid of America. In the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ…..AMEN