I have grown up in the church. And I have sat under a variety of doctrinal teachings. I'm all too familiar with Biblical debates. The lessons you learn and the sermons you hear can and do differ from one church to the next, each denomination seems to focus intently on some of the Bible's truths but ignore others. As I have grown older, I find that everyone has some insight or revelation that is good, but may be weak or out of touch in other areas. We all need to keep learning. No, not even I have it all down pat.
So when you read commentaries on the scripture, read them like you eat fried chicken. Consume the meat and spit out the bones. Even these studies may be read that way. I think I have it all put together, but I could learn something new just a few days latter that would change my understanding of these things. Fried Chicken. Remember that.
That said, I want to dive into the huge debate, what does it take to be saved? Two groups that debate back and forth are the Lordship group and the Once Saved Always Saved group. Each side can clearly show where the other side is off base. I figure, if everybody is wrong then neither one is right. There must be a third option or a different way of looking at the truth both sides adhere too that brings everything in agreement.
But before I can dive into that, I need to review some fundamental issues in Genesis. Remember, I said everything starts there?
So look for that in Lesson 1
Pastor Torch