In Nevada, On Aug. 3, Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak (D) signed AB4 into law, directing election officials to automatically send mail-in ballots to all active registered voters in the Nov. 3 general election. So ONLY registered voters should have had their ballots mailed to them, but my sister died almost three years ago, yet she received a mail in ballot. I went on line to check and discovered that the state of Nevada no longer shows her as a valid voter. Why then, did they send her a ballot and what should have happened if someone had retired it?

Nevada now gives drivers licenses to illegals. Two years ago Nevada voted to make DMV automatically register everythat gets a license as a voter unless they specifically as DMV no to do so. The argument was that the state voter registration office would short out who was and wasn’t legal. Who know how many, if any, illegals were registered by DMV, but removed from the voter rolls. Therefore, how many illegals received and returned illegally cast ballots?

At this point Nevada is only looking at less than 37,000 votes between Biden and Trump around 2% of the vote. Not low enough for an automatic recount but if dead people, illegals, and others who are unauthorized from voting did so, could it be enough to change Nevada’s selection. Keep in mind only 95% of the vote has been counted and most likely the uncounted vote comes from rural Nevada, areas that are mor likely to vote conservative.