Dear President Obama,
Media reports that your new book blames me for a drastic shift in the GOP twelve years ago. Just wanted to drop a line to thank you, and say how honored I am.
The movement that began with our campaign has empowered hard working, everyday Americans to find their voice and unify with unshakable commitment to save our country that we love so much.
Constitutional conservatives made incredible gains in 2008; thankfully this continues on all levels in elections across America. A result is our Supreme Court now has Justices with unyelding loyality to our sacred US Constitution.
The GOP is more diverse than ever, thanks to this movement. Evidence: just last week Republicans earned the support of more minority voters since 1960!
Remember in 2008 I dubbed conscientious, patriotic, fed up American women “Mama Grizzlies”? Well they’ve roared into activism... and office. The number of female members in the GOP and in public service is at a record high.
Whatever you want to call us: the Tea Party, MAGA, Deplorables, Chumps... we are bigger, stronger and louder than ever. Despite your attempts to invalidate us, you’ve heard me say it before but I’ll sound the alarm again: “We’re here, we’re clear, get used to it.” And because we’re happy warriors, I get a kick out of every time you attack us, because we just use it as fuel to grow stronger, more focused, more committed to justice for all. We roll with a smile on our face and outstretched helping hands. It’s the anthesis of the rabid, riotous actions of an opposition to America that you’ve yet to condemn and lead towards tolerance and peace.
Thank you again for crediting me. It’s pleasurable to know I’ve lived rent free in your head these past twelve years.
Truly yours,
Gov. Sarah Palin
