Question: What are the best morning meditations ?

I don’t think there is a “best morning meditation”. Use what works best for you. All meditations fall into one of two categories. Either you’re meditating on something. Ie: your breath, you job, your goals, etc. Or you are just standing witness to your thoughts, letting them float away, until there is only the experience and knowledge of your true self, the watcher.

ALSO very important, in relation to morning meditation, keep in mind that while you are waking up, that is a time when your subconscious mind is MOST susceptible to suggestions. And thus the BEST time to recite your affirmations. This works especially when when doing so evokes an emotion, as it is the emotions more then plane thoughts that propel your affirmations in reality.

You’d be surprised. Even something as simple as, “This is going to be a great day!” can have a immediate and significant effect.