With only 18 days left in the session, Stephanie refuses to advance bills that would crack down on fraudulent voting in Texas. We need these put on the floor for a vote asap!
SB9, by Senator Bryan Hughes - An omnibus bill with provisions that will curb many types of election fraud by increasing criminal penalties,
SB901, by Hughes, increases criminal penalties, focusing mainly on mail-in ballot fraud.
SB903, by Hughes, addresses removing felons from voter rolls, tightens requirements for verifying citizenship, holds voter registrars accountable with civil penalties, requires reporting of illegal voters to the Texas Attorney General for investigation and prosecution.
SB205, by Senator Charles Perry, relates to the use of information from county lists of noncitizens when they are called to serve on jury duty, requires their removal from registered voter rolls and their names sent to the Attorney General for prosecution if they have voted.
Please call Stephanie Klick, Chairman of House Election Committee, 512-463-0599
And these four GOP committee members: Ask them to pressure Chairman Klick to set a hearing as soon as possible. State rep Dustin Burrows, 512-463-0542, Rep Brisco Cain 512-463-0733, Rep Mayes Middleton, 512-463-0502, Rep Valorie Swanson, 512-463-0572