The Ohio Christian Alliance ( sent a Urgent Action Alert for all Ohioans to call members of the House Committee to Stop H.B. 369 LGBTQ Special Rights Bill. THE BILL IS UP FOR ANOTHER HEARING ON THURSDAY NOV. 19.
at nine a,m, in the Civil Justice committee room 116 at Ohio Statehouse.

Radical homosexuals are pushing an LGBTQ special rights bill at the Ohio House Civil Justice Committee, chaired by Rep. Steve Hambley of Medina (District 69). The legislation is scheduled for its second hearing on Tuesday, January 28th, a proponent testimony hearing.
OCA President Chris Long stated, "It is urgent for people of faith across the State of Ohio to make calls, send emails and letters to their state representatives, expressing their concern over this radical special-rights bill. After speaking with members of the clergy across the state, the concern is real. This legislation appears to be on a fast track for passage, and it is urgent that people of faith flood the phone lines at the Ohio Statehouse. We would like to thank Mission America and Ohio Value Voters for joining us in opposing this legislation. This legislative push is about to awaken a sleeping giant in our state."

What's wrong with this bill? - The language is ambiguous and nondescript. - It provides for special rights, not equal rights. - It presents a real threat to religious liberty to churches, synagogues, and houses of worship statewide. - If it were to become law, the church treasuries would be drained from legal battles for years to come. - It violates the privacy rights of women and children by allowing members of the opposite sex to use bathrooms, locker rooms, showers, and athletic programs of their perceived sexual orientation. - H.B. 369 is 111 pages long. These SOGI ordinances have already passed Cuyahoga County, the cities of Medina, Westerville, and Cincinnati, and now they want to push it state-wide. We have to stop them.
Your privacy and religious liberty rights are about to be violated unless you act today!

Click here to read pages 49, 50, and 51.


So PLEASE CALL these committee members and your Representative ASAP, and send them an email message TELLING THEM TO OPPOSE H.B. 369 THE LGBTQ SPECIAL RIGHTS BILL!
Representative Stephen D. Hambley (R) Chair
District 69
Phone (614) 466-8140
Representative Thomas F. Patton (R) Vice Chair
District 7
Phone (614) 466-4895
Representative Jim Butler
District 4
Phone (614) 644-6008
Representative Jamie Callender (R)
District 61
Phone (614) 644-6074
Representative Robert R. Cupp
District 4
Phone (614) 466-9624
Representative Brett Hudson Hillyer (R)
District 98
Phone (614) 466-8035
Representative Derek Merrin (R)
District 47
Phone (614) 466-1731
Representative Bill Seitz (R)
District 30
Phone (614) 466-8258
Representative D. J. Swearingen
District 89
Phone (614) 644-6011