The following articles validates what I posted in a Meme a couple of posts ago. According to the polls, professing Christians (profess Christianity, but compromise its tenets) pushed Biden over the top in the election.

The Edison exit polls estimate that 24% of White evangelicals voted for for Biden. This year's estimate of voting in Georgia is that Biden received 14% of the white evangelical vote (5% for Clinton in 2016), enough to swing the result in favor of Biden.

How can a Christian that regularly communes with God via prayer, and is thus sensitive to the Holy Spirit, wish for such a man to be in power? The clear truth is that no genuine Christian in God’s will and under the Holy Sprit’s guidance will vote for an advocate of abortion and other flagrant evil. However, prayerless and powerless professing Christians chose to give Biden and Harris the power over them.

Think about the implications of what happened in other battleground states. A significant faction of Christianity believes that Biden and his extreme liberal running mate should possess the highest offices in our nation. It is indicative of how deeply apostasy has stained the moral fabric of Christianity.

Religious Group Voting and the 2020 Election

Religious Group Voting and the 2020 Election

Biden may have picked up marginal support among White evangelical Protestants and Catholics this year compared with 2016, but it is difficult to determine what impact it may have had on election outcomes.