4 Jahre

So there was a meeting in hell.
Satan and his demons were strategically planning on the most effective plan to damn mankind and take as many to hell with them and how to make them miss Heaven.
So they conspired as to which lie to take to mankind to seal his doom!

One demon stepped forward and said ......"We will tell them there is no God and that the Bible is just a book written by man!"

Satan said, "No, that will never work, they see the creation and know that God exist and they have seen the Word of God give them comfort time and again!"

Another demon steps forward and says...."We will tell them all religions lead to the same God and that Jesus and Buddha and Muhammad were all just men trying to help them through life!"

Satan replied..."No you FOOL, that won't work...too many of them have already had their lives changed and seen Jesus heal the sick and raise the dead...THAT will never work!"

Finally, a demon stepped forward and said to Satan:

"We will tell them that there IS indeed a God, a Heaven and a hell!
We will tell them that Jesus was not just a man but God incarnate and the true Savior of all mankind.
We will tell them that the Bible is indeed the Word of God!!!

BUT......We will tell them THAT... they have plenty of TIME!!!!!"

Satan said to that demon; "Go NOW, and spread that message for that is the ONE THAT WILL WORK!!!"