A friends thoughts on the Boise virus response. I believe this will fit many cities and counties right now. Excellent points.

By Charity Majors:
To Boise businesses and citizens, I’m so sorry that certain local government officials have chosen to try and reach even further away from our constitution and have decided to put our citizens in the position to discriminate against, judge others and tattle-tell on them...

The quickest way to DIVISION and more fear is by creating an atmosphere of judging others, blaming others and tattle-telling.

The way through all of this is UNITY, community, personal responsibility, and the continued pursuit of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for ALL...

Remember that the cure cannot be worse than the disease itself...

Remember that it is the governments job to protect our freedom, not our health...

Remember that this is a novel virus that has a 99.9% survival rate, that 80% of people don’t even experience symptoms because the virus is so weak and that our body’s immune systems easily combat it (that’s a good thing)...

Remember that in any normal cold and flu season, the best thing you can do for yourself and others is to boost and support your immune system...

Remember that a hospital’s capacity is based on specific allotted beds, not total beds (as a specific example - our downtown hospital has 34 Covid-specific beds. As of 2 days ago (from first hand information), they were at 50% of their Covid-specific bed capacity. The hospital has over 400 total beds. And positive cases are being treated with aspirin, fluids and rest...

Remember that if there is ONE case in an assisted living facility, they are allowed to call it an “outbreak...”

Remember that this was “two weeks to flatten the curve...”

Remember that suicides are up 1100%, domestic abuse, addiction, child abuse, depression, unemployment and business closures are at an all time high, due to government imposed mandates that are “supposed to be for your health and safety...”

Remember that the constitution was put in place to put boundaries around government, so that they aren’t allowed to do things like this...

And remember that government officials are public servants and are SUPPOSED to work ? for ? citizens (although most people view government as the ones that just make the rules and we have to blindly follow)...

The fact that businesses are being threatened to have their business license taken away for not enforcing an unconstitutional mandate (which, is, by the way, NOT a law), and for discrimination is unlawful and very unfortunate for businesses and their employees.

The fact that citizens are being encouraged to judge someone, without knowing anything about their background, to discriminate against them, and to then tattle-tell on them, is also unlawful, and will create an atmosphere of more fear and division than it will do any good.

If you are a Boise citizen or business that does not agree with this unconstitutional order, I encourage you to call the Mayors office (contact info is listed in the link).

And to the Boise Police Department, I’m also sorry that you have been put in this position. I hope that dispatch can handle the calls, that it doesn’t prevent true police-warranted calls from being drowned out, and that it doesn’t cause our police officers to not do their job with more important tasks around our city. #cureworsethancause #liberty #selfsufficency