Many mistaken God’s love.

Some believe they can continue to willfully sin and God will forgive them without them asking for forgiveness.

Some believe when God said to love everyone that He meant that we should accept their lifestyle and love them.

And these groups call themselves Christians. There's nothing Christian like in these beliefs.

These groups are walking on a thin line with God and they fall into the category as a pretend believer(apostates). They will fall away at the end or at death Christ will say "I never knew you".

Christ while on earth walked with the sinners but never once accepted their sins.

Christ always spoke to them about repentance and believing in the one true God.

Christ said "go and sin no more", He never once said to continue to willfully sin.

God’s love for us is His Son. Christ is the way to look away from sin. Focus on Christ!

I hope my words encourage you to look for the truth and come out of the lies of man.

I speak truth because I love you all!

God bless and awake children of God!