This is a long but very important article. Pay attention Americans! This is why the President’s America First stance is so hated by the elites. These people have been itching for power. I don’t think President Trump realizes that the vaccines are part of their plan. We must educate ourselves and resist this evil.
“They are scared of our potential power because they know that if we stand up, we will defeat them. We can bring their project crashing down before it has even properly started.
We are the people, we are the 99%, and together we can grab back our freedom from the deadly jaws of the fascist machine!”

Klaus Schwab and His Great Fascist Reset | The Liberty Beacon

Klaus Schwab and His Great Fascist Reset | The Liberty Beacon

Klaus Schwab's Great Reset is a technocratic fascist vision in which humans are used like machines to serve corporate elite interests, which the state aids in.