Troy D. Bohn
51m ·
The DEADLY consequences of Unforgiveness.... You've likely heard the adage, "Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die." There is definitely a lot of truth to that statement --- and many have certainly become casualties to prove it!
Something else though is equally true - "Forgiveness is your willingness to swallow the poison of pride - so that others may live." [PT]
Show me a person that walks in unforgiveness and there are some characteristics that will typically always be seen in their lives:
[1] A lack of longstanding MATURE relationships. This is true because any long term relationship will always encounter times that demand looking beyond those things that might otherwise derail relationships.
Unforgiveness in a relationship [of any kind] is our pride valuing itself more than it does our love for people. No relationship can survive that type of environment.
1 Peter 4:8, "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins."
The fruit of this is often seen in: Changing jobs often because one cant get along with a boss or coworker, being in and out of opposite-sex relationships or having a constant struggle in a marital relationship, weak or non-existent family ties, bouncing from church to church.
[2] A lack of GENUINE thankfulness. Unforgiving people are seldom satisfied for any great length of time. The same poison that robs them of mature relationships is the same poison that will always skew their perspective of things. [It makes them focus on the temporal rather than the eternal]
Consider Paul's statement in 1 Thessalonians 5:18, "Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus."
Did he say "ALL" circumstances -- and not just the GOOD ones?
This is a guy that was beaten several times, rejected by his own countrymen, hungry often, shipwrecked, snake bitten, and left to die on more than one occasion - - and now he is saying "Be thankful under all circumstances."
Its challenging enough that he would do that himself - but then he goes on to declare, "This is GOD'S WILL for anyone that belongs to Jesus Christ."
Christians then MUST be thankful under all circumstances and under all conditions - - or maybe they are simply Christians in "name only."
Philippians 4:11, "...I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances."
This "contentment" [autarkés] means to be "totally satisfied" and not merely "tolerant" of said circumstance!
[3] BITTERNESS in all areas of ones life. This is where the "poison" of unforgiveness feeds the insatiable appetite pride, jealousy and envy that it relies upon to survive.
Hebrews 12:15 says, "Look after each other so that none of you fails to receive the grace of God. Watch out that no poisonous root of bitterness grows up to trouble you, corrupting many."
Unforgiveness is never satisfied in merely occupying an otherwise empty place in your life. It dreads being alone to the point that its like a potato on a shelf for too long -- it starts to sprout roots even though there is no longer any "dirt" for it to lie in!
The roots of it will continue to grow - looking for something [someone] to attach itself to - all the while consuming itself for nourishment! It will grow smaller, grow darker, and begin to wreak of rottenness.
Unchecked it will disqualify one from the very Grace of God [His Divine influence upon the heart and its reflection in our lives] while defiling any and everything in its path.
THE SOLUTION? Its really quite simple [yet vastly misunderstood and inadequately applied] - - REPENT and BELIEVE the Gospel.
Stop your STINKING THINKING and get the MIND OF CHRIST [Romans 12:2, 15:6, 1 Cor 2:16] which is the product of a CRUCIFIED LIFE [Gal 2:20, Matt 16:24]
The mind of Christ is easily identified in our lives because the "mind of Christ" was demonstrated clearly in the words and actions of Christ.
"Father forgive them..."
"I came to serve and not to be served..."
"I lay my life down for my friends..."
Mark 4:24 [Jesus speaking], ""Consider carefully what you hear," he continued. "With the measure you use, it will be measured to you--and even more."
I can measure out unforgveness and receive from it a poison to my very soul -- and then some. [or]
I can measure forgiveness that produces a manifold increase in thanksgiving, mercy and grace from God.
It seems like a pretty obvious choice to me!