Insight Ministries Inc.

John 16:13
But when He, the Spirit of Truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth [full and complete truth]. For He will not speak on His own initiative, but He will speak whatever He hears [from the Father—the message regarding the Son], and He will disclose to you what is to come [in the future].

Is the future here?

The Amplified Study Bible really brings out the Greek meaning here in this critical Scripture. Christ promises in this Age, when you become a Christian, you will receive the Holy Spirit. And that Spirit is also called, for our benefit, The "Spirit of Truth", here.
In the King James Bible God refers to "the truth" setting you free and in that version it is a small "t", meaning all truth, not just Biblical Truth. Here in today's Scripture God makes that even clearer.
One of the most recent examples of knowing the truth, in the American society, is the instances of voter fraud in our recent presidential election. No, I am not getting into politics, rather using it as an example of where many Christians give up their sense of truth. When over 100% of the people vote in places, you should know, instinctively by the Spirit of Truth, that something is not truthful. Even Rand Paul noted the voter pattern changing in just minutes has something fishy. Yet some who allege to be Christians are not interested. The American society is an example of how many, or how few people actually use the Spirit of Truth.
So, how big is that plaguing word "All" in you? Do you surrender your mind to party politics or do you stay focused in the importance of "all truth" in your walk with God? You should do the latter, as times are increasingly evil and the devil loves to play with your mind, first. So seek out ALL truth to protect you and your family in the times ahead. USE THAT HOLY SPIRIT to the maximum. Accept that gift of God and be His good steward.