“...for He himself knew what He would do.” John 6:6

This scripture has been in my spirit for days. So I asked the Lord if there was something particular He wanted to reveal for me to share, and this is what I received this morning:

Before and after November 3, 2020, there were (and still are) many prophetic voices saying God said President Trump would have two consecutive terms. However, with all that’s being crammed down our throats 24/7 by the mainstream media (which I no longer watch or listen to) & tech giants of what the “other side” is doing to move forward, as well as the 24/7 barrage of massive fraud, exposure, whistleblowers and evidence pushback by his legal team, many believers are truly skeptical and/or struggling to believe if those prophetic words were really from God. As we approach the new year, nothing seems to have happened significantly to change anything...or has it?

Although the Electoral College casts the official vote for president on Dec. 14, it’s up to Congress to certify the results a few weeks later. And federal law gives individual members of the House and Senate the power to challenge the results from the floor — a rarely used mechanism meant to be the last of all last resorts to safeguard an election.

So is this how God “will overturn, overturn, overturn it, and it shall be no more until he comes whose right it is, and I will give it to him.” (Ezekiel 21:27)? Time will tell.

It’s human nature to speculate how God may pull off something seemingly impossible (we've all been there countless times!), and there are many in the Bible who have had this very human experience. I’m sure Moses was absolutely baffled at the Red Sea with no way out as the enemy was closing in on them. What about Mary being told she would get pregnant without a man? What about running out of wine at the wedding with only water available? So many throughout the Bible have wondered, “How???” I, myself, am very analytical and often rack my brain thinking of possible scenarios how God might do something "impossible." Of course, I can never figure Him out. Who can and why can't we? Because His thoughts and ways are higher than ours and past finding out! (Job 9:10; Isaiah 55:9; Romans 11:33) Even Jesus’ disciples experienced this frequently, including Philip.

Look at John 6:1-6 “After these things, Jesus went over the sea of Galilee, which is the sea of Tiberias. And a great multitude followed Him, because they saw His miracles which He did on them that were diseased. And Jesus went up into a mountain, and there He sat with His disciples. And the Passover, a feast of the Jews, was near. When Jesus then lifted up His eyes, and saw a great company come unto Him, He said unto Philip, ‘Where shall we buy bread, that these may eat?’ And this He said to test him: for He Himself knew what He would do.”

Jesus already knew what He was going to do, but He said this to see where Philip’s faith was at. (Actually, He already knew that, too, but wanted Philip to see where it was.) Remember, faith has to be tested to see what sort it is before God can use it. (1 Peter 1:7)

The miracle of the loaves and fishes, at the very least, did three things: (1) it fed a vast multitude with lots of leftovers (which probably gave the disciples something to eat, too); (2) it boosted the disciples’ faith big time; and (3) it gave the Heavenly Father much glory.

I perceive and believe God is using this election for, at the very least, three purposes: (1) to expose and root out massive political corruption that goes years back further than this election; (2) to test the faith of His people to see if we REALLY believe “all things are possible” which will show us where our faith really is; and (3) to give God glory! After all, miracles are really God’s “calling cards” to instill reverential awe and the fear of God “that they may know that I am the LORD.”

So, at this point, do YOU REALLY believe God can/will do the "impossible" to give President Trump another four years as He stated several times for years to many in dreams, visions and visitations - despite what it currently looks like? Are you trying to figure out the “HOW???” or the “WHEN???” You’re not alone, but while we're trying to figure it out, know that the Lord has ALREADY worked it out. But it's for His own will, plan and purposes, not ours, and which will all be revealed in His own timing, not ours.

Like Philip, we are being tested because the Lord already knew what He would do. Stay tuned!
