Inner Child is a beautiful blend of oils that are incredibly powerful when combined. The fragrance of this blend can help one reconnect with the inner self or identity, which is one of the first steps to finding emotional balance. Trauma (defined as any situation where you got less than you needed and were not equipped to process it) of our childhood often disconnects us from our true selves, and this can manifest in many different ways in adulthood. Many times there were situations where someone as a child felt unseen, unheard, or unvalued. In order to move forward, it is important to look back and allow that inner child to speak out.
Citrus oils like orange and tangerine are helpful for elevating the mind and body, facilitating inner peace, and calming the spirit. Ylang ylang is known to combat anger, filter negative energy and restore equilibrium. Jasmine stimulates the mind and supports concentration while uplifting the spirit to relief indifference. Sandalwood is wonderful for supporting the pineal gland, a part of the limbic system of the brain where memory and emotion are stored. Lemongrass promotes spiritual awareness and purifies, while spruce helps to open emotional blocks, fostering a sense of balance and grounding. Finally neroli has been used for centuries for healing the mind, body and spirit and is wonderful for promoting feelings of peace, confidence and awareness.
Inner Child essential oil blend helps release emotions that distort memories in our cells. It’s a combination high in compounds that can cross the blood brain barrier to reprogram bad coding from the cells. Then other compounds rewrite that code to restore the original perfect copy, one that will not keep us pulled into the physical and emotional effects of stress. Think of this like a picture or video of past events where little edits were made to present something threatening, even if that was not the case.
The symptoms of this vary widely, but we might notice some patterns:
When someone tries to be honest, especially friends/family, we continually hear their voice criticizing us for months afterward.
We find ourselves revisiting the same short list of past hurts on a regular basis, telling stories about what someone did or said to us, thinking each time that if we just vent...the pressure of that pain or offense will let up.
We create an image of ourselves (typically a bad one) and no matter what we do to take care of ourselves, that recording makes sure we stay ashamed, disappointed, and hopeless, or...
We finally start feeling better about ourselves because we have fulfilled an imaginary list of “things that will make us feel accomplished” - only to find that the stress of keeping up with that list starts to slowly steal from our relationships and our sanity.
This is a process, but the great thing about our essential oils is that we have a CHOICE to embrace that process instead of loading our bodies up with lots of toxins and other things that create more confusion in the cells. When it comes to this cycle of what is distorted in our cellular memory, we have straightforward options - to become aware and to receive love that can cover all the ugly stuff that vulnerability brings up, or to keep the door closed, saving the consequences for a later time when our body is too compromised to hide it anymore.
As you peel back the layers, don’t be concerned if you don’t have all the answers! Part of the release is allowing yourself to ask questions again.
Place several drops of Inner Child in your diffuser. You can also apply some around the navel and rub a drop into your palms to inhale directly
Think about some of the patterns that came to mind as you read through this, and ask yourself: What else is possible? How does this old memory/pattern benefit me? Can I release this?
Don’t push too hard to answer the questions yet. Sit with them, because this tape has probably been on repeat in your cells for a long time.
Contains: Orange, Tangerine, Ylang ylang, Jasmine, Sandalwood, Lemongrass, Spruce and Neroli essential oils
Ways to use:
Follow the activation listed above EVERY DAY
Apply over the heart, on the wrists and back of the neck frequently
Pair with journaling, meditation, prayer, counseling and any other emotionally supportive practice that you find beneficial.
Are you with us? Will you commit to putting Inner Child in your diffuser rotation for the rest of the month? Our emotional patterns that took a lifetime to form aren’t going to get unraveled completely in one day, so let’s do the work together!
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