Oh how the devil must feel accomplished when people invert their pagan catholic Christ-Mass trees! They’re practicing a double whammy lie.

The devil is perverted. All things backwards and upside down is his game. As above so below is a phrase from the church of Satan. Also think the upside down cross and the inverted pyramid. To eyes that see with discernment we judge this as satanic.

Not only is it built on the Jesus birth date lie. But these trees came from the saturnalia celebration coupled with the winter solstice. The occult practice these celebrations now, and sadly so do professing Christians.

The cherry on top is in Catholicism they document a monk named saint boniface, who turned the tree upside down to represent the crucifix. Leave it to them to keep crucifying Jesus over and over!
Please come out of these disgusting celebrations that have nothing to do with Jesus! Stop christianizing pagan practices!
What’s unclean cannot be washed away with extra strength Church soap. It is what it is!
