A Methodist friend that often respectfully challenges my perspective posted this:
I want freedom. Freedom to go on vacations, freedom to eat out. Freedom to conduct my business in person. I wanted freedom when I was a 5 year old too. Suck it up people. Wear a mask for a few months. Get the vaccine & we can have freedom.
Here is my reply(hopefully seen as a respectful challenge also):
Once again my friend, a respectful challenge.
This year I have taken my family on multiple trips, Florida, North Carolina, Alabama, Tennessee South Carolina. If we haven’t contracted the virus, we haven’t spread the virus. If everyone wearing a mask means they work, but one person not wearing a mask means they don’t work how does that make sense? Of course, a legitimate answer is none of them work fully. Therefore, at best your just minimizing the spread.
The pandemic of 1918 was a strain of H1N1 that we also saw in 2009. Before that we had the H1N2 in pigs. Corona viruses have been around for centuries, the 1918 Pandemic effected 1/3 of the world’s population. This pandemic should only have been considered perhaps a pandemic for the first few weeks on its initial sweep. The Obama/Biden admin did very little to effect the H1N1 and we came through it fine. If we get to 300,000 deaths in America it’s still less than a percent of a percent.
So, since we are going to bring the Bible into this and use it to allow some to feel a right(probably a responsibility) to tell others how they have to behave I have to question what faith is all about. As I believe you know, I’m proclaiming to be an independent Christian. A former Presbyterian,Baptist and most recently Methodist have lead me to see that denominational organizations are based in flawed biblical perspective. I feel a church should be governed by its congregation, not by a governing body that could be halfway around the world. I also have come to believe that all denominational churches have been formed as the result of a person or a group of people breaking off of another churches doctrine. In the case of Methodism, John Wesley was very clear no church was to be formed based upon Methodism. It was to be a group functioning within the Church of England. ??????? so, as a result members of denominational churches are already acknowledging or accepting a group thought based in following a governing body that may prevent independent, individual interpretation from the Holy Spirit.
Based on the fact their are conflicting perspectives from experts in their fields. It really should be a good opportunity for Christians to show that we rely on the Holy Spirit. I often use the example that if I see one wearing a mask I will avoid them whenever possible, if I see one without a mask I still have changed my behavior by talking to the side of peoples faces. In both cases I hope I’m being lead by the Holy Spirit on how to behave. If I’m walking down the road and feel lead to get on the other side of the road that’s the Holy Spirit protecting me or another. If I continue on my path, I failed to listen to or hear the will of the Holy Spirit. Either case, I know the Holy Spirit will communicate to me to be safe and it becomes my responsibility to seek to listen and obey.
In the end, I hope you would give me a good well deserved thump on the ear if I ever said “Everyone get those masks off and quit being a bunch of wimp less sheep” as some do. In your case, I hope you will just take this as food for thought. You are a Methodist so you are part of a system with a governing body that sets the agenda for all of its members to follow. That was not said to be a demonizing or insulting statement, just a forming perspective. As always, your perspective would be appreciated for the purpose of growth as I’m trying to learn also.
I’ve been really busy so I haven’t finished saving my posts in the format I want them in before closing the Facebook account. I’m sure some of your friends wish I would hurry up.?