This is a few select short paragraphs of a much longer article on political differences and Christian unity presented in "The Aquila Report". Well worth the read.

The Christian believes that there is such a thing as deception, and that there is a deceiver. When you get large numbers of folks who claim to be Christians actually supporting and championing things which the Scriptures clearly call sinful, then you know we have some real problems. I speak about deception here, offering numerous passages on the topic:

It also can be said that such deception may be part of how God is operating as he separates the wheat from the chaff, the sheep from the goats. When clearly unbiblical and ungodly beliefs and practices are embraced by people claiming to be believers, that is one way to see some much-needed sifting come about.

Am I saying that anyone claiming to be a Christian who supports political parties like the Democrats is into deception and worse? No. Some of these folks may be simply confused, or not very aware of either their own faith or what parties like this believe and are running with. Some may need basic education in biblical and political realities.

But still, when you have so many who say they are Christians wildly cheering on what might be a Biden win, you have to ask some hard questions. Satanic deception is certainly part of the explanation here. Sure, many of these folks may well be Christians in name only – they are not actually sons and daughters of the living God.

But some are. Maybe they are new Christians or poorly taught Christians. They need prayer. We need to try to reach out to them. We can hope they come to understand biblical truth more fully. And if and when possible, we can seek to maintain fellowship with them.

“Peace if possible, truth at all costs.” Martin Luther

“To pursue union at the expense of truth is treason to the Lord Jesus Christ.” Charles Spurgeon

“Never let us be guilty of sacrificing any portion of truth on the altar of peace.” J. C. Ryle