Jocelyn Edwards said they below…

“I woke up around midnight freezing,” said the 68-year-old retired nurse. “For the next 24 hours I had intense chills, serious neck pain, headache, all my joints were aching.” She had a fever that peaked at 102.4 and poured out so much sweat that she lost 3 pounds, she said. The following day she woke up and felt fine.
Ms. Edwards, like the other 30,000 volunteers who took part in Phase 3 clinical trials for Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine, wasn’t told whether she got the vaccine or a placebo. However, she said a trial researcher attributed her symptoms to her body mounting a strong immune response to what was most likely the vaccine. “It’s better having 36 hours of feeling really rough than getting Covid,” she said.

Paul Duprex, director of the Center for Vaccine Research said the below…
“It’s a really good sign that there is a signal from your body that there is something different inside you,” said Paul Duprex, director of the Center for Vaccine Research at the University of Pittsburgh. “It’s being recognized by your immune system to make all important SARS-CoV-2 antibodies.”

My thoughts…
Larry Smith said…
Being 72 years old having RA, taking Enbrel weekly to lower my immune system and at time of catching COVID I did have the Flu. Wife and I got tested while both having the Flu we both tested positive for COVID-19 and the B type Flu.
Neither of us had any symptoms of COVID; really didn’t know we had it. Even with the Flu we both thought we had a cold.

Before being tested I did have a fever of 100 degrees. I sweated and had body aches that lasted around 12 hours. Wife’s symptom has not as severe as mine.
At time of testing we asked when to come back in for retest, they stated we didn’t need to retest due to our bodies now have the antibodies we need.
My question is: Did they give Jocelyn Edwards the vaccine that gave her COVID? She is 68 years old good health and had worse symptoms than I did. She had worse and is in much better health?
Now Paul Duprex…
He states: ““It’s being recognized by your immune system to make all important SARS-CoV-2 antibodies.”
Well poop, that is what my wife and my immune system did without taking the shot… We caught COVID-19 and our immune system did as good as the vaccine does.
Someone is making BILLIONS of dollars off of this stuff.
I think if we take care of the ones that are in bad health and then carry on with our lives that would be great. If you catch COVID treat it like a cold and carry on. Now you have the antibodies you need…