We believe that the Divine Hand of the Creator guided the Founders in their efforts to form a Just Nation of the people, for the people and by the people. Both the Declaration of Independence and The Bill of Rights address issues of the lack of fairness under British Rule. We recognize that the ills that plague today's people are not due to the path that the Founders set before us, but that those ills are rooted in the deviation from that path. The Foundation upon which this Nation is laid rests on the bedrock of a fair and just society. The United States of America remains a symbol of exceptionalism based on the rule of law. This Country was and remains a source of great irritation to the elite of the world, commencing in 1776 and which continues to this day. They have repeatedly attempted to get us back under their thumb and subject us to their New World Order and to end our days as a Sovereign Nation. It is a primary goal of the Founders' Mission to thwart those efforts and to restore and preserve the Founders Vision.