We are too quick to slap a label on ourselves or others without considering the nuanced meaning of that Label. To give that meaning, I will describe how I label myself.

As one who considers himself to be a Classical Liberal and a Constitutional and Fiscal Conservative, I am frankly embarrassed by those from both parties, especially the Democrats. Understand that by term of Classical Liberal, I am referring to those who seek truth, no matter how inconvenient it may be, as opposed to those Conservatives who insist that the earth is flat. There are at least 5 types of those who identify as Conservative, and at least 6 types who call themselves Liberal. Our grand mistake on both sides to to assume that when one identifies themselves by the same general label as our own, that they do so for the same reasons as our own. Actually, most of us are a combination of both, Liberal in some regards and Conservative in others. For myself, I place a high value on truth, fiscal matters, and the intent of the Founding Fathers in the construction of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. I suspect that I have a lot of company.

To properly define the different labels, consider the following.

On the Conservative side:

Constitutional Conservatives believe that the Constitution should be interpreted as best we can to determine what the Founding Fathers would have intended.

Fiscal conservatives are for the responsible use of our tax dollars, expecting at the very least a return of some type on their investment. That return might include social betterment, or maybe not.

Those who are uncomfortable with change, and will resist it no matter what, even if it is based on fiction rather than truth. There of those that still believe that the earth is flat fit into this category and those who would deny that climate change is occurring regardless of whether that change can be attributed to humans' activities or natural cycles.

Those who are for free enterprise combined with Capitalism, who believe that private enterprise is the solution for most problems, and typically are for limited government and minimal regulation.

Those who are opportunists who use the rest of those Conservatives to their own ends. (See below)

On the Liberal side:

We have those who pursue truth, no matter how inconvenient or even painful it may be. These are the Classical Liberals and are most likely to also wear a Conservative Label in other regards.

The “Bleeding Heart” Liberals who are empathetic with everyone and everything.

The Tax and Spend Liberals who seldom see a government program they don't like and wish to spread the wealth of Nation to even those who refuse to engage in production in spite of their capability.

The Socialist Liberals who believe that using government is the solution to most problems and are openly hostile to those in the Private Sector.

The Liberals who regard our Constitution to be a “living document” subject to change with the mores and values of the society as it transitions.

Those Liberals who believe that, rather than a Republic, the United States is a Democracy that can impose its whim of 50.01% of the people on the other 49.99%. In essence, this belief results in just a relatively few counties within the United States to dominate the entire government with little or no understanding of the issues facing the remainder of the country.

And finally, Those who are opportunists who use the rest of those Liberals to their own ends. Note that the Opportunists are a large segment of those who wear both the Conservative and Liberal Label.