For the last several years I have felt a "nudge" that I have yet to serve a purpose in life. Founding this Mission is the beginning of the service to that purpose. Those who know me well know that my experiences in life have been varied, and I believe there was a purpose for those experiences. This Mission is obvious and the way to get our fellow citizens involved is to recognize their relevance to the effort. That is a two way street. The Founders' Mission is structured in such a manner as to provide relevance and meaning to its supporters and volunteers.

The signers of the Declaration of Independence pledged their life, their fortune, and their sacred honor. Indeed, a number of the signers did lose their lives and their fortunes, but not their sacred honor. This Country is a gift from our Creator delivered through the Founders. Were the individual Founders perfect? No. Some did not even like one another, but they came together with a common purpose and it is time that we do the same.