An older post, but think it is time to repeat.

Spiral of Silence
Definition by Wikipedia:
“The spiral of silence theory is a political science and mass communication theory proposed by the German political scientist Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann. It states that a social group or society might isolate or exclude members due to the members' opinions. This stipulates that individuals have a fear of isolation. This fear of isolation consequently leads to remaining silent instead of voicing opinions. Media is an important factor that influences both the dominant idea and people's perception of what the dominant idea is. The assessment of one's social environment may not always correlate with reality. “
Are we now living in a science experiment?
Are Conservatives, Christians, and those who love America in the minority?
Or, are we being played by the media and liberal influencers?

Are we afraid to speak out and let our opinions be heard?
If so, then we are no better than Germans during the days of Hitler when the Spiral of Silence was put into practice. Most German civilians knew that evil was at the doorstep, but never spoke out.

Are we any better? We are brave when talking with people that agree with us. We will sit in our little groups and complain about what is happening, but are we truly willing to do more?

We allowed neo-Nazi Governors to close our churches, small businesses and lock us up like animals. All in the name of safety. Yet, they tell us that protesting and rioting are safe and good for people to let their voices be heard.

We have allowed anti-Constitution politicians take are Rights away all in the name of human good, equality and safety.

We watch politicians support an anti-American and anti-God agenda. They call good bad and bad good. Also, in the name of human good, equality and safety.

We have watched people disrespect our Anthem and Flag. These items are more than a song and a piece of material. They are symbols of freedom and the fact that freedom is not free. Men and women over the course of our history paid a great price for our freedom. Are we willing to carry the torch of freedom in hopes of passing it on to the next generation?

We watch and hear about celebrities and athletes support anti-American causes and yet we still go to their movies or the sporting events. We shake our heads in amazement on what is on TV, but don’t change the channel. We watch as the liberal will boycott a conservative business, but we do nothing.

We hear politicians wanting to erase our history. There are books, movies, statues and even cemeteries that they do not like. The liberal anti-American desire is to rewrite history and sugar coat what made this Country. What is our response?

Some even call for the pastors in our churches to stop preaching from the Bible. These liberals are uncomfortable with the message or what the Bible calls sin. What is our reaction? Where is our anger and support for the freedom of speech?

There are those who think we should give a job, a passing grade in school or even money to people because of the color of their skin instead of the value of the work. Where is our outrage?

The media only tells us what they want us to hear. The slant the truth towards the left. They try to make us believe that liberal anti-American groups are in the majority. They try and convince us that the Bible and the Constitution are old and outdated and need to be retired and rewritten. Freedom of speech is only good if you are liberal, guns are evil, society has the right to seize property, States don’t have rights, and the list goes on and on. Where is our anger? When will our voices be heard?

Are you happy living in a petri dish, being fed the bacteria of the anti-American? If so, don’t do or say anything.

If you are unhappy, then…….

When will we end the experiment?
When will we speak out, take a stand and take our Country back? Are we truly willing to do what it takes?
No one can answer these questions for you, but if answered YES, find other like-minded people and get involved. Be an active member of a group that defends the Constitution.