The same people (YT, FB, Twitter) that are currently strangling the breath out of any conservative/Christian influencer that they can reach online, have also, over the past 11 months, been quietly but firmly establishing control over the majority of the Christian worship streamed in America... And don't forget, these newly established controllers of online Christian worship BELIEVE THE BIBLE IS HATE SPEECH...
When I look around, I see EXACTLY what my Lord told me in the bible I would see in the last days. Multitudes, calling themselves Christians, who do not believe in a biblical worldview, so busy running to and fro feeding their Twitter and facebook addictions, that they haven't noticed the One World Government is not only in place and fully operational, but has also been completely controlling their life for the past year...
YT, FB, Twitter, Google, Amazon etc, are taking out the leadership now just like any good sniper would... Next, they take out the churches...
And for those churches/ministries who have their own servers, good job being proactive... But you might want to talk with Anrew Torba over at GAB about how to deal with DDOS attacks... Gab uses cloudflare, the largest "guardian" against DDOS attacks in the world, but GAB is having CONSIDERABLE DIFFICULTY staying online in the face of this TSUNAMI DDOS attack sponsored by big tech...
The only solution? You might consider initiating discussions with your pastor about whether he ever thought about leading an "underground" church... Some Churches in America are already meeting this way. Let me tell you something, the nice thing about it is, you won't find many luke warm Christians at an underground church...
Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I think that might be just what today's church needs...