i'm sharing this from a post i read earlier on another site. I didn't include their names out of fears of people harrassing them...
This was a pic from when we were at DC last week. (We are at the bottom right)) This is not all of the Trump supporters. There are more off the right of this pic, and a LOT more off to the left of this pic!
Look at this crowd...I mean really....if we wanted in the Capital...nothing, and no one’s army could have stopped us! We could have filled every square inch of that building....and then some! But that was not why we were there! We were all there for a peaceful protest. Which is exactly what we did! (Antifa, thugs and rioters on the other hand...had a different agenda)
President Trump did not provoke us to chaos! He did NOT incite violence. The Trump movement has never been about such behavior. But has only been about AMERICA??! All of the Trump supporters there were in one accord! Singing “Proud to be an American” in harmony! They were friendly! We all even cheered as a guy was trying to climb that tree in the foreground, to get a better view! Applauding him when he made it! ?. It was a fun day! We clapped and cheered and were United! Because that is what President Trump did for us!
Sadly, days like that are over for this country! And I’m sorry to say we will never, ever have that again! I’m thankful that Rhame and I could take our son to experience something so Patriotic as a family!
The thugs that broke into the Capital (supported by the far left) were not one of us! We didn’t go with helmets, and bullet proof vests and gas masks hanging from our belts like we saw on them, as they infiltrating our crowd near the end of President Trump’s speech. We knew...something was wrong. With a crowd this size we only saw 3 police officers. And they were each sitting alone in their own cars, blocking 2 way streets. Why were there not more police? If they were truly concerned about us “violent Trump supporters” why didn’t they have the national guard there, like they are doing currently for Biden next week. Why not fences up, like they are doing for Biden next week? Why were more buildings not boarded up like they are currently doing for Biden for next week? Because Trump supporters have shown over the last 4 years to not ever have behaved that way!
Trust me when I say, the news has totally taken this out of proportion. Trump is not at fault! He has been the great Uniter! Pelosi and her posse, have been the great dividers.  I’m so sorry to everyone that watches GMA, CNN and all the corrupt, liberal, biased media that brain washes Americans to believe their “agenda” instead of going and knowing the truth for yourselves! ?
This truly is a tragic time in our nation.? Although many do not get it, I believe that President Trump was America’s last chance. My biggest concern is that God’s hand of blessing and protection will now be removed and things are going to get ugly real quick. The only hope now, is the “blessed hope” of Jesus’s return. Get ready. Stock up, Pray up and Look up! “His redemption draweth nigh”.