Welcome to the group! (It is NOT a kosher group, but a BIBLICALLY clean group. Most anything you'd need to know is in Lev 11 and Deut 14, but feel free to pm an administrator.)
This group came about cause so many of us like to cook and share recipes. Everyone has different ideals of healthy, but I am hoping we can make this a priority in our walk to please our Abba and tend to our temple.
Lev 11 is the standard by which we call foods biblically clean.
If you have biblical questions, please feel free to contact me privately....I see all incoming messages. THIS IS NOT A FORUM FOR BIBLICAL DISCUSSION! If you find you don’t like how it is run, please have grace enough to leave quietly.
SOME recipes will be SUGGESTIONS. If it needs cleaning up, do so without drama. If it needs to be healthier, do so if you please. If you need suggestions for either process, PLEASE ask!
If you are unclear what Biblically clean means...please go to your Bible to Leviticus 11 and read the list there. If you post anything that CAN NOT be modified to be clean, it WILL BE deleted. I will warn you and if it continues, you will be removed.
For the sake of those who don't understand, this is not a kosher group. This is not a group seeking from other men what is considered food by our Abba. This is not a group to debate kosher and biblical. Please use Leviticus 11 as a beginning point to study and understand how to eat pleasing to our Abba. Biblically will also mix meat and milk.
Please remember, this is a recipe group. If we flood the wall with things not recipes, then we lose the purpose of this group.
The previous rules seems easy to break. I don't desire to be a dictator, BUT I've learned the hard way to make the rules stick because people tend to try to take over with THEIR ideal of how a group should be instead of respecting the established ways set. I am asking as gently as I know for ALL to follow this one rule above all others. I WILL delete what doesn't apply.
Please remember, if you type a recipe as a post, you will lose it in the flood of links we have here. So, if you will create a new file, we can always find it.
To find a recipe in this group, in the right upper corner, where it says search, type in something like peaches and all the recipes will pull up that have peaches in them.
Remember this is a BIBLICALLY clean group. This means NO recipes promoting pagan holidays. These WILL be deleted.
If the simple rules are not followed, members will be deleted.

Have fun!
Alyzah Nagar, Administrator