4 yrs

Chuck Brooks said:

Relatively few churches are able to establish or maintain a vibrant men’s ministry.

This gender gap is not just a U.S. phenomenon; churches around the world are short on men. No other major religion suffers such a large, chronic shortage of males. In the Islamic world, men are publicly and unashamedly religious—often more so than women. Of the world’s great religions, only Christianity has a consistent, nagging shortage of men.

“Promise Keepers at Work”, a publication of Focus on the Family, indicates:

* If a child is the first person in a household to become a Christian, there is a 3.5% probability that everyone else in the household will follow.

* If a mother is the first, there is a 17% probability that everyone in the household will follow.

* If the father is the first person in the household to become a Christian, there is a 93% probability that everyone else will follow.

Someone has said, “Jesus had no trouble captivating men. Fishermen dropped their nets full of fish to follow Him, but today’s church can’t convince men to drop their TV remote controls for a couple of hours a week.”

Paul says to men: If you want to be a real man, “stand firm in the faith!” Men are to stand firm in both holding, and defending the truths of the Gospel.

Men - our God, our Church, our Families, and our Nation have never needed us to be real men, more than they do now!