Elygenia Campbell gedeeld post  
4 jr - Youtube

4 jr


doesn't it feel like our nation is just in free-fall now? and where it lands no one knows -
there is no logic, rhyme or reason anymore - truth, wisdom, common sense and ethics have simply flown out the window or been flushed down the toilet - reason is now left to be executed man to man for our so-called "leaders" have clearly shown they don't have any to impart nor any desire to do so

the fact that so many including Trump are spending their time condemning the patriots who want to take their country back rather than the criminals who stole it shows us what's wrong with this nation - Trump is either a paid-off political punk, a painfully naive and inept fool or this is a cleverly crafted ruse before the great recapture of our nation - I fight fearing the former, while praying and hoping for the latter and may God make it so

you want to prosecute the criminals in the capitol to the full extent of the law? who's first, pelosi or schumer?

Trump is president, whether or not the criminals choose to acknowledge him as so, and will be president for he was elected by the people to be president until the people elect another for we are the people
#trump #treason #coup #insurrectionact #ww3
