I sense it is a time to rejoice, rejoice because of the Lord's wisdom and rejoice because He is good!
It's not over even if old Joe and KH remain. It's just a beginning! I feel worship going to it's next level! I feel love being poured out by Him! A fresh Spirit of healing forgiveness and unity will come!
I've been seeing proverbs 3:56 for a few days. That vs. can be frightening but The Lord is good and His ways are past our finding out! I feel we are to rest, regroup and rejoice like it's Christmas again! No need to fret. No need to wonder what happened to the prophetic words. Let all that go. Clarity will come later. Clean the slate and move forward. That is faith! It's seemingly a time to grieve but grab a hold of the Spirit of rejoicing. If God is throwing a curveball, it's good! If it's a fastball( Trump gets in somehow) it's good!
The devil wants to land on our disappointment and disillusionment. Let's not let him. God is always good!