"Coping with the nuances of contradictory ideas or experiences is mentally stressful. It requires energy and effort to sit with those seemingly opposite things that all seem true. Festinger argued that some people would inevitably resolve dissonance by blindly believing whatever they wanted to believe."
That's from a wiki article about a book written to document cult behavior when prophecy fails. What's it doing here? Well, I posted it because it's what I'm seeing happen. Very many pro Trump people (myself included) hoped for various things over the last 4 years. Carrots were dangled before us and we kept hoping to be able to get one. We didn't get ANY. Trump got impeached twice. Did we put Schiff in jail? Nope. What about Hillary? Nope. What about Comey? Or that weasel FBI agent and his agent girlfriend? We were promised to just "trust the plan". "Wait". "It takes time to set a trap this big". We were told to sit there with our thumbs up our collective asses for some last minute hail Mary play that would collapse the Democrat's house of cards and put them all in Gitmo. And what did we do? We hoped the carrot was real this time (even though it hadn't been every other time), and watched a good man get run out of town by the very same evil clique that fought him everyday for the last 4 years. Now that he's officially gone from office, we're being told things like Biden has to do some "thing" to close the trap that was set (there is no trap). Those who have strung us along are adapting their bullshit story to keep you hoping for a carrot. Like Charlie brown, the football gets yanked every single time and what we were told has never come true. We shouldn't have believed the fabricated bullshit then. And we shouldn't believe the modified bullshit now. Cult leaders make fantastic predictions and their adherents believe. When the predictions do not come true, they modify them with explanations of why. They give excuses and adjust their story. And only the brainwashed cult members are gullible enough to keep believing that ****.
We can all support Trump. I do. But we shouldn't believe any Q or anon. They're full of it. All their vague hints and placating have been for not. They'll have you believing their crap all the way to the Zyklon B showers.
Stop hoping for something that clearly can't happen. Pick up the pieces and plan for the next election cycle. Only 8 senators did the right thing. All the others need to be replaced. The house too. Clean them all out and start over. Do not let an incumbent remain.