There is a lot of talk and propagated by AOC to squash misinformation. I wonder who will be on the committee and who decides what is the truth? Sadly, me think it, that only one voice will be allowed for the next 4 years. Or if the new fresh Democratic Congress has it their way, it will be just like Poland to me, circa 1969. Home sweet home. Where people could not speak negatively or criticize the government. That is where we are heading. Biden said that they will go after radicals strongly. He never defined what he would consider as radicalism. Would that constitute anyone who disagrees with the government? Symone Sanders, not related to mittens Bernie Sanders but an ex-Bernie Sanders' presidential candidate advisor. Wrote a book entitled "No, You Shut Up: Speaking Truth to Power and Reclaiming America ". Symone Sanders is currently Biden's senior advisor. Symone is radical and militant. However, the left does not see this as radical but progressive by erasing the past. Additionally, Bernie Sanders during the DNC said that they will have to do something with those religious bigots. Is president Biden exempt from that since he is of catholic religion?