Want to know what Fascism is about? Here are precepts from the manual: Mario Palmeieri's "The Philosophy of Fascism" (1936):

> "Economic initiatives cannot be left to the arbitrary decisions of private, individual interests."

> "Open competition, if not wisely directed and restricted, actually destroys wealth instead of creating it."

> "The proper function of the State in the Fascist system is that of supervising, regulating and arbitrating the relationships of capital and labor, employers and employees, individuals and associations, private interests and national interests."

> "More important than the production of wealth is its right distribution, distribution which must benefit in the best possible way all the classes of the nation, hence, the nation itself."

> "Private wealth belongs not only to the individual, but, in a symbolic sense, to the State as well."

Is this what you believe Trump and his Republican Party believed in? Who does it REALLY sound like?