I’ve started to comment on a post from “the other site” and my blood started to boil. The ignorance of people. I was a success multi-salon owner until breast cancer came along. She tried to open a business and it failed in less than a year. She posted that she’s in favor of the minimum wage increasing to $15 because single moms can’t feed their kids.

At one point in my life, I was a single mom of two. I worked up to 3 jobs, shopped at thrift stores, bought only the groceries I needed. Even passed the cheap wine because I couldn’t afford it and put gas in my car. And a few times I ate cheese and crackers while my kids ate a full meal.

Minimum wage is for minimum skill. Either work your way up or get more education which means more skill. I’ve been knocked down. I’ve started over a few times. It sucks. Why should you and I be held responsible for others lack of drive, work ethic, budgeting or just plain laziness?

See, blood is boiling! I have always worked to get what I wanted. Taught my children the same.

All raising the minimum wage is going to do is make it easier for those people to get welfare instead of figuring out to live within their means. Because instead of having $9-$10 hr job they will have a $0 hour job because the owners will have to cut something. And building owners surely won’t cut rent.

These bleeding hearts are so infuriating.

Ok, rant over.