H.R. 1 — “For the People Act”

The so-called “For the People Act,” which would rig the election system in favor of Democratic politicians, could be voted on next week in the House. This will be the first battle of many to protect the integrity of our ballots. While Democrats have the votes to pass in the House, it is key that we make this as tough a vote for the Left to take as possible. Currently, unless Democrats eliminate the filibuster, they do not have the needed 60 votes to pass in the Senate without Republicans.

Heritage Action for America has a toolkit with a long list of bad things in this bill.

Some democrats are unsure of the bill because of the public funding for campaigns. Many Dems rightly fear public outrage over spending taxpayer money on their reelection campaigns. We have written a call script to focus on this wedge issue:

Take Action: Call your member of Congress and urge them to vote NO on H.R. 1.