Why doesn't #johnkerry just come out and say the extra terrestrial aliens he & others in government are in contact with have given the world until 2030 to become a peaceful, less destructive planet or they, the ETs, will blow planet earth up. Because - saying THAT is MORE credible than ANYTHING else he, or others in the so called "Green New Deal" movement have come up with to frighten us into accepting his, #JoeBiden's and the #democrat Party's madness..

Otherwise - if Kerry was honest (an impossibility) he would accept the fact that we can absolutely work to make going "green" a reality via capitalism and capitalistic intiatives & enterprises, rather than socialism or communism. But IF the ultimate outcome IS a socialist America, (which it IS) then the GND is just one pathway towards that ultimate dystopian goal.

Kerry may insist we have nine years left until doomsday, but in order to #saveamerica, we actually have less than two years before the midterms to unite enough pro-#america #patriots willing to enter politics to fight FOR America and against John Kerry and his insane desires to destroy #freedom & the greatest country in the world.

Elections have consequences. Even stolen elections. #benjaminfranklin said America is a Republic if we can keep it. In order to keep it, we must fight FOR it. Are we willing to do that?

#fightback #truth


John Kerry on U.N. Climate Summit: ‘We Have Nine Years Left'

John Kerry on U.N. Climate Summit: ‘We Have Nine Years Left'

Climate envoy John Kerry said in an interview with the BBC that only nine years remain to solve so-called manmade climate change.