It is estimated the reversal of the Mexico City policy ALONE will result in 20 million abortions worldwide paid for by US tax dollars. That’s more than even gotten sick (much less have died) from COVID-19 in America. How does this not outrage us? Have we grown callous to their plight? Perhaps it is God’s gift He us sending to cure cancer, AIDS, or some other disease? We will never know because they never saw the light of day. Who’s responsible? You, me, everyone of us. We have just resolved to this not being our problem and looking the other way. Is it any question why God is removing His favor from us? People in politics professing their Catholic faith but allowing this abhorrent practice to continue with have to answer for their deeds as well.
People, we must band together, take a stand and make sure our representatives understand we will not sit idly by and allow more babies to be sacrificed at the altar of ‘freedom’, ‘my body, my right’, or ‘not convenient’. These are living souls being slaughtered. Enough is enough!