Hi Guys.
As the evidence against evolution piles up the evos like to alter the definition of the word //evolution//. They seek to make the definition ambiguous so that the evidence isn't so glaring.
I have an idea. Let's establish just what the definition of evolution really is. Not someone's perception of what the word means but rather it's actual English language meaning.
I think I have just what we need.

Concise Webster's Dictionary 1895
The act of unrolling or unfolding. A gradual working out or development.

Walker's critical pronouncing dictionary 1828
The act of unrolling or unfolding. The series of things unrolled or unfolded.

Perry's Royal Standard English dictionary 1777
Unfolding, unrolling, extracting, doubling, wheeling, etc.

So we can see that the word predates darwin's storybook. Darwin didn't invent the word, he just used a commonly known word for his idiotic theory.
So the next time an evo say's something like //you don't know the definition of evolution// just link this post and show them that they are the ones who don't know the definition.