I have to make room in my basement and am looking for a good home for my sculpture, "LOL". It's a not-so-kind depiction of a addicted "smart?" phone user, so involved with the meaningless post to Facebook, instagram, twitter, or whatever, that he doesn't even notice that his hair is on fire, he has been shot by an arrow, there is a nail through his foot, a quite large snake has sunk it's fangs in his butt, and if that didn't alert him, a bird made a deposit on his shoulder. But in his defense, the heat from a fire goes up, so it's on his head, and, well, and the arrow may have missed all his vital organs (obviously his brain was less than fully functional, or he wouldn't care so much about his phone, right?), and the snake may have bitten without injecting venom, and the nail may have gone between the tendons. And anyone could miss a bird thinking they are a statue. Well, this statue was made in homage to all the idiots glued to their cellphones. Is any message, other than "A meteor will strike the Earth in 10 minutes" really worth all the attention so many people pay to their stinking phones?
With rain coming this evening, I don't know how this will hold up. It's made of clothing stuffed with styrofoam, coated with epoxy, then re-enforced with some fiberglass and more epoxy after the first version collapsed (turns out that epoxy is a very strong glue, but has little strength; I learned that the hard way). Please give me a call if you would like to have this sculpture, or know someone who might want it. It needs a little cleaning up after collecting dust and cobwebs for the past two years, and some of the flames on the head broke, but you get what you pay for