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The Russia hoax divided the nation, damaged confidence in our elections, and undermined national security. It nearly toppled a democratically-elected government. And it was all a lie.

The only person who has ever been punished is former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith, who was involved in the Obama administration’s effort to investigate the supposed collusion. He pleaded guilty to forging an email that led the FISA court to grant a surveillance warrant against Carter Page — and, through him, the Trump campaign.

Clinesmith was sentenced this week — to probation, community service, and a $100 court fee, barely more than a parking ticket in many major cities.

Blue State Blues: We Are Overdue for a Reckoning on the 'Russia Collusion' Hoax

Blue State Blues: We Are Overdue for a Reckoning on the 'Russia Collusion' Hoax

The QAnon conspiracy theory thrived on the Russia collusion hoax -- for which no Democrat or journalist has been held accountable.