I'm concerned about this country. Things are spiraling out of control with democrats pushing their liberal agendas, a judicial system willing to turn their backs on alleged voter fraud, a justice department willing to crucify law abiding America Loving citizens but at the same time being very obliging to known terrorist groups like Antifa and even BLM. Where is the justice when some crazy governor can shut down Christian churches and Jewish synagogues but you won't see anyone shutting down a mosque? How can we expect refugees to acclimate to our American way of life when they can't (won't) get pass their willingness to integrate sharia law into their new found communities?? The democrats are pushing to silence every conservative voice and our way of life. Should we just put our heads in the sand? Work hard, bleed, sweat and shed tears over our losses or should we finally come together and fight to take our country back? Not by bloodshed or violence, God forbids that. But within the ballot boxes if we can some how vet out the RINOs and replace them with true patriots. I've been bombarded lately with mail and e-mails from the RNC begging for money and my support. Where was their support for our President?? How many of them turned their backs on Him once the election was called? As voters, we really need to check everyone out; not relying on their titles of Republican or Democrat. Let's pray that God has a plan for this great country or is this His way of showing us what happens when we as a nation have turned our backs on Him? I've said enough, I feel my blood pressure going up. Time for my meds!