4 yrs - Youtube

Please watch this video by brilliant nephrologist, Dr. Suzanne Humphries.
Her little tutorial made PERFECT logical sense to me, so I believer her. For the uninitiated, I suggest first watching Dr. Robert Morse's amazing dissertation on the Great Lymphatic System.
ALWAYS remember, EVERYTHING in our material Universe is cause-and-effect. My beef with the allopathic docs is that, instead of finding and treating root CAUSES, they simply treat SYMPTOMS with high-priced cutting, slashing, burning and poisoning. The fundamental allopathic model is a unconscionably high priced Band-Aid approach to SYMPTOMS. That disempowers the individual and enriches the lobbyists and practioners. That is entirely illogical to me. But you have to be open-minded and intellectually honest to consider news ideas such as those presented by Dr. Humphries. Since her "conversion" -- ("I don't believe in vaccines. I don't even believe a little bit in vaccines." ~ Dr. Suzanne Humphries) -- her practice has been largely limited to nutrition, one of my most important pursuits. I am amazed that this video is still up!