Almighty in Heaven, for give me as I try to write this prayer for inclusion in the not so friendly Social Media. I would also pray that this should and will cause a great debate. I also would like to get answers, education, guidances and teachings on this subject. Your answer would be greatly appreciated. We will not know the time and/or hour of your Son's return nor should we be looking for it to happen. I do not portend to be a scholar of any kind and rely on what is known to me and whatever guidance you will provide. Herein lies my perplextion: We have the Jews, Christians, and Muslim/Islamists. Everything I know suggests that the latter of the three is the followings of Satan, yet- the latter traces its origins to Ismael and his splitting with Abraham. This latter religion did not form until approximately 700 years after the Cruxifiction and Ressurection. I have read the Apocrafa book of "Enoch," which is allso Cannonized in the Coptic Christians Bible of Egypt. This leads me to these hyppothesis:' I believe Judgement will come when the Population attains the ability to attain and sustain its longivity of 140 years of age as specified in the book of Enoch. I have no infomation to back the following hyppothesis this concerns their were many past civilizations here on Earth in the prior billioons of years. I make this assumption as there are many unnexplaiined object on this planet that have no explanation of origin and do not have any myths for them. I also assume these civiliizations were destroyed as they did not acheive your standards and or requirements..... I have an assumption that your standard is that "all Mankind" must live in "Peace as one!" The greatest Question I now have is how do we acheive this peace since apparently the followers of Ishmael will kill all of us since we will not follow the teachings of Satan in that religion. It is written in Revelations that all whom do not bow... to the Anti-christ will automatically go to be with you aand feast at your table. The only option that I see for our civilization to be saved is to let these peoople of Ishmael's fath "behead" as we deny their religion and the Anti-Christ. And could the AntiChrist be both Jews and followers of Ishmael. Please almighty provide answers.
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