In Mark 9 we read of one who said to Jesus, “Help my unbelief.” Our doubts can be normal. Do be sure to surround yourself with God’s Word (Faith comes by hearing and hearing by His Word ) and His devoted people who can come alongside you in this time.
I am reminded of the story of a man (I’m not suggesting this is you!) who had not been to church in awhile. The pastor came to pay him a visit and they sat down in a room where there was a fire in the fireplace. The pastor said nothing. At one point he got up and put a burning ember off by itself to the side. It didn’t take long for it to go out. They continued to sit in silence. Then the pastor got up and put the ember now gone out in the rest of the blaze. It roared to life. He turned to leave and the man said that was the most powerful sermon I have ever heard. I’ll see you next Sunday.
Swim in the Psalms. Read the Gospels and fall in love with Jesus all over again.
Stand firm against our adversary who seeks whom he may devour.
You belong to Jesus. Speak that out loud no whatever what your emotions say.