Now is the time to redouble our efforts to cripple the Globalist Elitist who support the Democrat/Marxist alliance. We must not slacken our enthusiasm or efforts to both expose the Criminals and cost them ,at least, our Dollars! We may not have any dollars or choices soon, left to us. Now we must, despite the inconveniences, stop using products and services from corporations that have voiced or inferred support(by their actions)of the criminals in the Whitehouse/Democrat party/CCP who have attacked our Constitutions core protections. Agitate, irritate and infuriate,if you must, but get out the message , do not buy or use the services of Facebook,Twitter,YouTube or Nike, Unilever, Target, Amazon and the list goes on!!! The warm little cafe with the Democrat owner is the enemy of Freedom! The innocent little girls selling girl scout cookies are the tools of Ghouls, sucking babies from wombs! Stop people! We can not continue to turn the cheek and let these creeps slide by on our own technicalities! I politely say, no thanks, to the poor little girls and boys in today's scouting. Not their fault. But I will not ever buy another cookie, donut or whatever from them. (PS. I was a boy scout and it was great for me! God and Country! That was before the political correct gang took charge) Spend your dollars, while you still have some, with honest, politically conservative business, that will appreciate your patronage and reflect our shared values back to the community! It is not about theory or race or sex, it is about supporting truth, life, our constitutions protections, lawful and fair elections and decency!!! God bless you Patriots and go forth and spend your money, only within our Family!!!