Over the last few weeks, we have watched the new “President” sign executive orders with unheard of frequency. One must question his mental stability or his desire to serve the people of the United States.
Orders that cut thousands of jobs, raise the cost of pharmaceuticals and hurt those trying to break the grip of opioid addiction. The list goes on an on.
This “President” claimed he wanted to be the President of all people, but talk is cheap. Everything done so far is based on dividing the American people further. To alienate the conservative, the Christian and those who hold our Constitution in high regard.
Are those orders based on helping and serving the American people? Or are they signed with the sole purpose of destruction?
Possibly, the goal is to create such turmoil, that a socialist agenda can be put into place. Completely break down everything we hold dear and make us dependent on the government. To make social and economic slaves of all Americans.