SportsFREQ performance discs release the body's maximum energy. A professional football player will be able to run significantly faster and longer using SportsFREQ performance discs. Do you dare wait for your competitors?
New Research and SportsFREQ Performance Discs.
SportsFREQ Discs and Sprint Interval Training (SIT) in professional football. SportsFREQ performance discs booster your body with frequency, so the following happens:
Improve your performance with up to 80%
• Optimize nitric oxide production
• Optimize Blood circulation
• Optimize lung function
• Optimize Heart function
• Improve lymphatic function
• Optimize RBC production
• Optimize organ function
• Maximize cellular energy production
High volume endurance training (ET) has traditionally been used to improve aerobic capacity but is extremely time-consuming in contrast to low volume short duration sprint interval training (SIT) that improves maximal oxygen uptake to a similar extent. Few studies have compared the effects of SIT versus ET using running-based protocols or in team sport athletes.
An increase in VO2max following two weeks of both SIT and ET was observed. Performance in HEC increased by 31.0% and 17.2% after SIT and ET, respectively.
RE assessed at 8, 9, 10 and 11 km/h, lactate threshold and vVO2max were unchanged following both SIT and ET. Maximal activity of 3-β-hydroxyl acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase was increased in response to both SIT and ET, whereas the maximal activity of citrate synthase remained unchanged following training.
CONCLUSION: A running-based protocol of SIT is a time-efficient training method for improving aerobic capacity and HEC, and maintaining indices of running economy and lactate threshold in team sport athletes.
SportsFREQ performance discs will significantly increase your SIT values and you will achieve results significantly faster. Your absolute top form is achieved more gently, much faster and of course without drugs and the use of machines.