Joe Biden’s Dept. of Energy blocked Texas from increasing power ahead of killer storm.
Acting Energy Secretary David Huizenga did not waive environmental restrictions to allow for maximum energy output in Texas, instead ordering ERCOT to utilize all resources in order to stay within acceptable emissions standards – including purchasing energy from outside the state.
The EO shows the Biden administration basically ordered ERCOT to throttle its energy output by forcing it to comply with environmental green energy standards, while knowing full well Texans could freeze to death in their homes with zero electricity as temperatures plunged into single digits.
Moreover, the order instructed an “incremental amount of restricted capacity” to be sold to ERCOT at “a price no lower than $1,500/MWh,” an increase of over 6,000 percent over February 2020 prices of $18.20.
On Wednesday, the Dallas Business Journal reported, “Electricity on the Texas grid has averaged about $1,137.33 per megawatt hour so far in February, up from $18.20 per megawatt hour in February 2020, according to data from the Electricity Reliability Council of Texas. That’s a jump of more than 6,000 percent.”
Days later, the Public Utility Commission of Texas set prices at $9,000/MWh.
In a nutshell- what could have been avoided, wasn't, and millions of people have suffered because of the Biden administration refusing to allow more energy to be used in order to comply with their "green energy" agenda.
Secondly, Texans have had their Electricity bills increase by HUNDREDS OR THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS this past week, because the Biden administration forced ERCOT to increase its rates.
There's people here in Texas with $10,000 Electricity bills after this past week.
This entire crises was because of FAILED leadership, and Texans have paid the price for it with their lives, and their homes.
Thank a Democrat!